Oh, I liberated about 15 towns yesterday afternoon by the radical process of blowing everything up, and stealing all their supplies.
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What else have I done of late? There was that time I drove a car off a cliff, free-fell then parachuted, grappled my way onto a boat, threw the driver into the sea, and then rammed the boat into building. And the voice acting is so atrocious (and occasionally downright offensive) that it becomes laughable. There’s then lots of story wormed in to attempt to dignify this, but it’s completely superfluous. But it’s primarily about blowing stuff up. There’s the odd escort mission, perhaps you’ll have to get a car to a destination. You’re just there to cause trouble, make a mess, and it’s rarely more sophisticated than that. You, Rico, are trying to find out of a colleague has gone rogue, then to attempt to overthrow a fascist dictator, and to do so your task is to cause as much Chaos as possible. Just Cause 2 gives you conversation topics. Then I stole a passenger plane from an airport and flew it into the ground,” I replied.

“I found a hot-air balloon in the mountains, landed it on top of a skyscraper where there was a helicopter, which I used to pull over a statue. “How was your day?” someone asked me on Sunday evening.

But can it live up to that hype? Will it have heeded my constant plea: "please don't let the game get in the way of the fun"? But never mind, because finally you can find out Wot I Think about Just Cause 2 - a game that I've been unquestionably looking forward to thanks to one of the best trailer campaigns we've seen. The review code we received had a big old crazy bug in it, completely fixed in the released version.